(F-Class Open, F-Class T/R, Tactical Rifle (AR), plus other NRA, prone disciplines)

 ★  ★ 

Match Director
Jeff Shope
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Pete Carnelli
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Our next match is one week from today, on February 8th. This will be an 800 yard match. The 7-day forecast shows temperatures ranging from 65 to 71 during our match. Please let me know if you plan to shoot, along with your rifle type, so I can have your scorecards printed in advance.

Match Information

Rifles: F-Class Open, F-Class TR, SR, AR Tactical, Service, Match, Palma

Course Of Fire: 3x800 yards

Time: I plan to be there at 7:30 to lock the gate open and start setup. Regular setup starts at 8 am, let’s try to start shooting by 9. Awards will be presented immediately after the competition ends. We ask that all competitors help return the range to its standard configuration after the presentation of awards. If everyone helps with just one thing, you wont be needed after the awards for more than 10 minutes.

Number of Entries: 28 shooter limit, email Match Director ASAP to register for a match, juniors welcome with prior approval of Match Director

Match Fees: $20 for PGC members, $30 for non-members, cash or check at registration

Other: NO muzzle brakes or suppressors, NO AP, tracer, or steel-core rounds, and nothing over 30 caliber

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 F-Class, HPR & Tactical Target Specifications 
 NRA 2020 High Power Rifle Rule Book 
 CMP Highpower Rifle Competition Rules 24TH Edition 
 CMP Registration Instructions